What Is Anti-Diet? On Why Anti-Diet Is Not Anti-Health

By Katherine Metzelaar, MSN, RDN, CD

A close up of a bowl of granola and blueberries for Bravespace Nutrition. Contact a chronic dieting therapist in Seattle, WA or learn how a registered dietitian can offer support today! A dietitian in Seattle, WA would love to discuss the anti-diet …

I'm a registered dietitian in Seattle, WA who is anti-diet.

I am also a clinician who specializes in helping people to create peace with food and their bodies. I support people in recovery from eating disorders, disordered eating, and chronic dieting because of the work that I do, I see a lot of confusion around the word “anti-diet” both on the internet and in my office. Some claim that anti-diet is “extreme.” Others claim that it’s a rejection of the prioritization of health.

There is a great amount of (mis)information that is out there. So, it makes sense there’s so much confusion around what anti-diet is and how it’s defined. In fact, new diets are even now calling themselves “anti-diet.”And considering the ubiquity of dieting, it would seem unheard of and hard to wrap your head around a life without dieting.

So, Let’s First Name Some Things That Anti-Diet is Not:

Anti-diet is not anti-health or anti-health promoting behaviors, which is a common misconception. Anti-diet is also not “anti-people who diet.” Anti-diet respects people’s autonomy to do what they want with their bodies. Anti-diet takes a very compassionate stance on people, health, and wellness. But, it doesn’t make health a moral imperative. Anti-diet is also not an “anti-medically appropriate diet.”

A close up of toast covered with various toppings for Bravespace Nutrition. A dietitian in Seattle, WA can offer the support you deserve. Learn more about our services by contacting a chronic dieting therapist in Seattle, WA, or search “what is anti…

So Then, What is Anti-Diet?

Anti-diet refers most to anti-diet culture. Anti-diet is not only a belief that diets are harmful to most, which is backed up by lots of research. It also refers to the SYSTEM of diet culture which is the culture that you exist within.

Diet culture is a system that is oppressive but normalized. It’s a system that claims to be in your best interest but leaves you feeling terrible. It’s a system that leaves you feeling confused about food and your body.


  • The promotion of weight loss at any cost to mental and/or physical well-being.

  • The assumption that weight loss is positive, indicates good health and should be sought after for the rest of your life.

  • Promoting the health “ideal” that is ever-changing (a moving target). And, the assumption that if you aren’t following this then you are lazy and unmotivated. This can carry over into character judgments and beliefs about someone’s character.

  • Promoting diets that encourage the belief someone else knows what you should eat and what’s best for you. It’s a power-over system.

  • Oversimplifying health and ignoring the negative health impacts of many forms of oppression. This includes anti-fat bias, racism, trauma, anti-trans, and ableism.

  • Food restriction as a representation of one’s control and dominance. The promotion of food restriction serves as a symbol of how much self-control you have. Any deviance from restricting food or food groups means that there’s an issue with you.

  • Valuing thinness as a sign of health, status, education level, and how much you deserve quality healthcare. It also values thinness as an “ideal” of beauty and attractiveness.

  • Vilifying certain foods while elevating other foods with the expectation of “perfection.” You may also be hyper-vigilant about the foods you consume.

  • Excluding social determinants of health as the most significant markers of health outcomes. And, over-focusing on individual responsibility.

A top down view of a group of friends making their own soft tacos. This represents the love for food a registered dietitian in Seattle, WA can help foster. Learn more from a dietitian in Seattle, WA today.

What’s the Alternative to Diet Culture and Diets?

You may have spent a lifetime following diets, “lifestyle changes” or restricting foods in the name of “health.” Now, it can be hard to imagine an alternative. And, it can feel very scary.

But, frameworks like Intuitive Eating promote rejection of food rules and diets. Intuitive eating focuses on reconnecting to the body as a guide to re-learn how to nourish the body. Health At Every Size is another social justice framework that believes all people deserve quality health care. It works to provide access to safe space and deserving of equal treatment no matter one’s body size. These are a few of the alternatives to dieting and diet culture.

Remember, it can take time to unlearn years of following diets to reconnect with your body. If you are not ready to get one-on-one support or to join a group, consider listening to podcasts and reading books that will help. They can help you expand and learn about new ways of interacting with food. They can also offer new ways for you to challenge the beliefs you may hold about your body. Or, bodies in general.

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Meet with an anti-diet dietitian in Seattle, WA.

Are you tired of trying one diet or lifestyle after another? if you’re curious about an anti-diet approach to reframe your relationship with food, our caring dietitians offer online therapy for those struggling with food and body image. It’s possible to change your relationship with food and your body. You can free up headspace, and live your life with more presence, abundance, and peace. We offer support with overcoming chronic dieting from our Seattle, WA-based practice. To start your journey, follow these simple steps:

  1. Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation by clicking the button below.

  2. Meet with a skilled dietitian.

  3. Begin working with a nutrition counselor and start divesting from diet culture!

Other Services Offered at Bravespace Nutrition

Generalized nutrition therapy isn't the only service offered at our Seattle, WA-based therapy practice. We also offer body image support, intuitive eating couseling, binge eating support, bulimia treatment, anorexia treatment, and business coaching.

Learn more about Bravespace Nutrition, our philosophy, the services we offer or visit our blog!